Linear and Nonlinear Static Analysis Using Optistruct
In this module, you will mastery the tools to perform linear and nonlinear static analysis.
The type of analysis includes simple to complex structure including connections, contacts
This course covers the basics of analysis to advanced analysis to evaluate the structural strength due to static loading conditions.
Following are the topics which will be covered in this module: (Not Limited To)
• Introduction to type of Analysis
• Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Static analysis
• Unit System to be followed.
• Exercises to perform static analysis from simple to complex.
• Visualizing the analysis results to understand the real time working environment.
• Decision making from the results of the analysis weather the part is meeting the requirements or it is failing.
• When to use linear static analysis
• Type of Nonlinear static analysis
• When to use nonlinear static analysis
• Requirements to perform nonlinear static analysis.
• Difference between small deformation and large deformation
• Defining contacts
• Post processing the results and report preparation
By the end of this module you will be able to perform analysis to evaluate a structure for its static strength including different kinds of nonlinearity includes material, contact and boundary
Understanding Linear Static & Non-Linear Static Analysis
This module is the first step to analyse the virtual model for its integrity and strength.
This module will gain you mastery on the differences between linear static analysis and Non-linear static analysis, and also aid to choose the type of analysis, weather a linear static or a non-linear static to be performed.
This module will gain expertise in replicating the physical set-up of the model and understanding its behaviour due to external loads, for its strength to check weather the structure can withstand the desired loads.
This module will also make you to take design decisions on the structure due to its external loads, for its strength before it is manufactured. Which it turn will help you to reduce the number of physical prototypes and you will appreciate the value of FEA.
Linear Static Analysis
Linear Static analysis is considered as the first step of performing an analysis due to its external loads.
You will get to know how to perform a linear static analysis and how to set up the assembly of the model to replicate the physical set up in terms of its external load and how the model is placed or constrained.
you will also get to the understand what are the key factors to check the on the linear static analysis and to visualize the model how it is behaving in the real time condition.
Non-Linear Static Analysis
Non-Linear Static analysis is the next level of the linear static analysis. Every real time problem is non-linear for the sake of our simplicity we have categorized the problems like Linear and Non-Liner.
In this module you will gain mastery in setting up the model considering the different non-linearities including materials and geometry.
You will also learn the types of non-linearities and you will learn why non-linearity is required in terms of the loads applied on to the structure.
How to validate the strength of the structural model / Assembly
This module will give you how your technical skills can be coupled with software skills in validating the design for its strength and integrity.
Apart from the technical skills, you will get to understand what are the factors to be considered in validating the design.